Thalli Garbhamunundi Dhaname Thedevvadu - No One Carries Money From their Mother"s Womb,
Vellepoyedunadu Ventaradhu - When You depart this World, no one follows You,
Lakshadhikaarikaina Lavanamanname Kaani - Even though may be Rich, he pertake of Rice and Salt,
Merugu Bangarambu Mringabodu - But cannot consume pure Gold.
Vitthamarjanajesi Virraveegute Kaani - One may become Arrogant by amassing Wealth,
Kudabettina Sommu Thoda Raadhu - The accumulated Wealth does not accompany,
Thudaku Dongalakitthuro Evarikouno - Ultimately it may fall into the hands of Thieves or Strangers,
Thena Junteegaliyavaa Theruvarulaku - Like bees that collect Honey, only to leave it behind for Others.
Sashvathamu Athma Okkate Araya(si)juda - Eternal is the Soul alone, look and realize[ recognize ] this Truth,
Inthakannanu Vereddi Erugaparathu - What more can be explained beyond This.
Bhanu Tejamu Kante Bhasilluchundunu - Effulgent than the Radiance of the Sun,
Manchu Thelupa Kante Minchiyundu - Purer than the Whitest Snow,
Aakashamuna Kante Athi Sukshmamaiyundu - Subtler than the Vast Sky,
Sarva Jeevulayandu Parviyundu - Divinity resides in All Beings.
Paramathma Lenidi Paramanuvunu Ledu - Without the Divine there is no Ultimate Atom,
Anthata Undi Thaanantakundu - Present Everywhere, yet Detached,
Paramathma Sandarsha Bhavyavikasambu - Divinity Manifests in Its Full Glory,
Lokamuna Mudinta Ninduyundu - Pervading the Three Worlds.
Brahmayanduna Neevu Neelone Brahma - In Brahman, you dwell, and Brahman dwells within you,
Brahmaye Neevu Neeve Aa Brahmayagunu - You are Brahman, and You verily are that Brahman,
Inthakantenu Vereddi Erukaparathu - What else remains to be Revealed,
Sadhusadguna Ganyulau Sabhyulara - O Virtuous and Noble Ones.
Brahmandamanthata Prabaluchundedi Thanaku, - To The ONE Who Pervades The Entire Cosmos,
Aalayambula Marchanalaviyaguna - Is It Possible to Build A TEMPLE!
Koti Suryula Kanthi Metigalgina Thanaku, - To the ONE Who Possesses the Effulgence of Crores of Suns,
Pramida Deepamulevaru Pattagalaru - Who Can Hold A LAMP!
Ajaharadulakaina Andani Vanini, - To The ONE Who Cannot Be Reached by Aja and Hara,
Ye Roopu Nirnincha Evari Tharamu - How can anyone decide a particular FORM!
Sarvajeevulandu Sancharinchedi Thanaku, - To the ONE Who Moves about residing in all the Beings,
Sariyaina Perida Sadhyamaguna - Is It Possible to give an Appropriate NAME!
Brahmandamanthata Bojjalonunnatti, - To the ONE Who Holds The Entire Universe in the Belly,
Bhakshya Bhojyamu Thanaku Pettadaguna - Is it possible to Feed HIM with eatables!
Vasudha Theliyuchununnadi Sai Baba[ Sri Rama, Sri Krishna ] Yanuchu, - The World Knew and Called HIM as Sai Baba[ Sri Rama, Sri Krishna ],
Vasudha Cheppuchunnadi Jesus[ Allah, Zorashtra, Sri Buddha ] Yanuchu, - The World Called HIM as Jesus[ Allah, Zorashtra, Sri Buddha ],
Inthakantenu Veredi Erugarayya - What Else Is There To Know!
Anthatanunnadi Okkate Athmayanumu - The ALL Pervading ONE called ATHMA [ Soul / Holy Spirit ]
Hari Hari Hari Hari Smarana Karo
Hari Charana Kamala Dhyana Karo[Hari Hari...]
Murali Madhava Seva Karo
Mura Hara Giridhari Smarana(Bhajana) Karo (Sai)
Thallikante Migula Daivambe Deggara - It Is God who is Closer than Mother
Sannihitudi Chaala Thandri Kanna - He is much Closer than Father
Itti Daivamunu Veeda Abbunu Paapambu - Leaving such God one Incurs Sin
Sathyamaina Baata Sai Maata - These are the Words of Sai, verily the Path of Truth.
Meaning :
The Gross Body is made up of the Five Gross Elements(Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether), is meant to Reap the Fruits of Past Actions
The Gross Body , the medium through which the Soul experiences Pleasure and Pain, becomes Gross when one-half portion of subtle Element becomes united with one-eighth of each of the other Four
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
Srimad Ravikulamandu Janinchi - Born in the venerable Solar dynasty
Sita Devini Preeti Varinchi - Lovingly married Sita
Premanahalya Shapamu Deerchi - Removed the curse of Ahalya
Priya Bhaktula Rakshinchina Sri Raghu - Protected His dear devotees
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Sri Raghu Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
Munduga Hanumantuni Deevinchi - Hanuman was first blessed
Mudamalaraga Ravi Sutu Palinchi - Delightfully protected Sugreeva
Chendina Kinukato Valini Drunchi - Annihilated Vali with all fury
Cherina Vanara Veerula Brochina - The refuge of all valourous monkeys
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
Khara Dooshana Mukha Danujula Drunchi - Killed the wicked demons, Khara and Dooshana
Karuna Jatayuvu Gati Savarinchi - Compassionately performed the final rites of Jatayu for its deliverance
Sharabhangadi Munindrula Brochi - Protected Sharabhanga and all other sages and seers
Shabari Phalamulu Prema Bhujinchina - Partook fruits offered by Shabari with love
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
Ravanadi Sura Vairula Drunchi - Killed Ravana and all other enemies of Devas
Ramani Toda Sadhula Palinchi - Fostered the pious ones along with His consort, Sita
Avanarasini Neetu Bandhinchi - Built a bridge across the ocean
Adaramuga Vibheeshana Brochina - Protected Vibheeshana magnanimously
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
Nija Sahodarulu Ninu Sevinchaga - While His brothers served Him
Ninnu Golchi Prajalella Sukhimpaga - All the subjects were happy under His regime
Aja Haradu Surulella Nutimpaga - Brahma, Shiva and all other gods sang His praise
Anandamuto Ayodhya Nelina - He blissfully ruled the Kingdom of Ayodhya
Rama Rama Rama Sita - Hail Rama, Rama, the Rama of Sita!
3. Sai Avatara Yuga Avatara.......
Sai Avatara Yuga Avatara
Deena Dayala Sankata Haara [ Sai Avatara ... ]
Sai Brahma Sai Vishnu
Sai Maheshwara [ Sai Avatara ... ]
Sathya Sai Prema Sai
Sab Dharmon Ke Baba Sai
Sai Parameshwara
4. Anandamey Sai Namamey.....[ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ]
Anandamey Sai Naamamey
Adbhutamey Sai Geetamey
Akhandamey Jyothirmayamey
Sundaramey Sai Roopamey (Ati)
5. Govindethi Sada Snanam.......
Govindethi Sada Snanam
Govindethi Sada Japam
Govindethi Sada Dhyanam
Sada Govinda Keertanam
6. Kali Yuga Avatara Sai Bhagawan......
Kali Yuga Avatara Sai Bhagawan
Krupa Nidhey Deenon Ke Pran [ Kali Yuga Avatara ... ]
Eshwaramba Nandana Sai Bhagawan
Antaryami Sai Bhagawan
Karuna Sindhu Sai Bhagawan
Parthi Pureeshwara Sai Bhagawan
8. Atma Jyothi Namo Paramatma Jyothi Namo........
Atma Jyothi Namo Paramatma Jyothi Namo
Akhanda Jyothi Namo Mama Jeevana Jyothi Namo
Antaryami Namo Sri Sadguru Sai Namo
9. Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Yenarada......[ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ]
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Yanarada Mee Chinthalella Bapikona Manarada
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Anarada Mee Chinthalella Bapikona Manarada
Shivametthi Jagamanta Tirigevu O Chitthama Neekenta Siggu Lede
Avani Sukhambula alladedu Neeku Aavaliki Kaligedi Adi Yedi?
10. Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai Namo.......
Jaya Jaya Mangala Sai Namo
Jaya Partheeshwara Sai Namo [ Jaya Jaya ... ]
Shiva Shaktheeshwara Sai Namo
Sri Shaileshwara Sai Namo
11. Rama Rama Rama Sita.......[ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ]
Rama Rama Rama Sita (4)
Srimad Ravikulamandu Janinchi
Sita Devini Preethi Varinchi
Premanahalya Sapamu Deerchi
Priya Bhakthula Rakshinchina Sri Raghu [ Rama, Rama ... ]
Mangala Aarati
Om Jai Jagadeesha Harey
Swami Sathya Sai Harey
Bhaktha Jana Samrakshaka
Bhaktha Jana Samrakshaka
Parthi Maheshwara
Om Jai Jagadeesha Harey
Mata Pitha Guru Dhaivamu Mari Anthayu Neevey
Swami Mari Anthayu Neevey
Naada Brahma Jagan Natha
Naada Brahma Jagan Natha
Nagendra Shayana
Om Jai Jagadeesha Harey
Omkaara Roopa Ojaswi Om Sai Mahadeva
Sathya Sai Mahadeva
Mangala Arathi Anduko
Mangala Arathi Anduko
Mandhara Giridhari
Om Jai Jagadeesha Harey
Narayana Narayana Om
Sathya Narayana Narayana Narayana Om
Narayana Narayana Om
Sathya Narayana Narayana Om
Sathya Narayana Narayana Om
Om Jai Sadguru Deva
///// Jai Bolo Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Babaji Ki Jai /////
Meaning :
Like the fragrance hidden in flowers, The Lord is hidden in you.
Like the mad Musk Deer that seeks the source of its own fragrance elsewhere, why seek the Lord elsewhere, O foolish One!
Meaning :
Glory to You, Lord Krishna. You are the slayer of demon Mura and the one who moved about in the forest of demon Madhu to slay him. You have worn the feather of the Peacock on Your head and is the Lord of Mathura who lifted the Govardhana mountain.
Mritpindamekam Bahubhanda Roopam - Clay is one, Pots are many.
Suvarnamekam Bahu Bhushanaani - Gold is one, Jewels are many.
Goksheeramekam Bahu Dhenu Jaatah - Milk is the same, Cows are many.
Ekam Paratmam Bahu Deha Varthe - God is One, Forms are many.
Neti Vidyardhulandu Nutikokaru - Not one in a hundred among today"s students
Pathya Granthalu Chaduvanga Paatu Padaru - Cares to study the prescribed texts
Paasu Kaavalenanuchu Parithapintru - They are anxious only to secure a pass
Butakambuga Maarenu Neti Vidya - Modern education has become a farce
Meaning :
It is difficult to obtain the company of the noble on this Earth
But, it is easier to find any number of Wicked
You may find stones anywhere you See
But out of which can you find one invaluable Diamond?
Manchi Chesi Chedda Chendadu Eppudu - Bad can never Befall on One who does Good
Chedda Chesi Manchi Ganchaledu(Ganchabodu) - Or can achieve Good doing something Bad
Nimma Phalamu Naati Chutha Phalamu Gonuna - One cannot reap a Mango by planting a Lemon
Chutha Phalamu Naati Nimma Gonuna - Or reap a Lemon by planting a Mango
Meaning :
Manamu Edi Chesthe Ade Manaku Thirigi Vasthundi - Whatever things We Do " Good or Bad ", it will come back to Us in the same way.
Hasthasya Bhushanam Daanam - Charity is the ornament for the Hand,
Sathyam Kanthasya Bhushanam - Truth is the ornament for the Throat,
Srothramcha Bhushanam Sashtram - Scripture is the ornament for the Ears,
Bhushanaihi Kim Thrayojinam - Of what use are any of these Ornaments?
Viluvaleni Inupa Pette Ee Dehambu - This body is an Iron Safe of no Value
Petteyandu Nagalu Pettinatula - Like Jewellery kept in the Box
Dehamandu Athma Devudundenu Sumaa! - Dwells the Divine Soul in the Body
Sathyamaina Baata Sai Maata - The Word of Sai is verily the path of Truth
Sathyambu Nandundi Sarvambu Srushtinche - The entire Cosmos has emerged from Truth
Sathyambu Nandarage Sarva Srushti - And it merges back in Truth
Sathya Mahima Leni Sthalamedi Kanugonna - Is there a place without the glory of Truth?
Shuddha Sathyamadiye Chudarandi - Behold, that"s the transcendental Goodness!
Love Is My Form, Truth Is My Breath, Bliss Is My Food
My Life Is My Message Expansion Is My Life
No Reason For Love, No Season For Love, No Birth, No Death
Manasu Nirmalambu Manchiki Margambu - Pure mind is the pathway to Goodness
Manasu Nirmalambu Mahitha Shakthi - Pure mind is the mighty Power
Nirmalampu Manse Niradi Muthyamau - Pure mind is like a precious Pearl in the Sea
Marachi Pokuditti Manchi Maata - Never forget these Words of Wisdom